Wednesday, August 19, 2009

VVFS Notes for this week. . .

Working on this week's Viral Video Film School. Jotted down the notes, then noticed just what a strange job I have. I also guarantee you that if I lost this pad, I would have gotten a little pissed off.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Gone with the Wind is weirder than you thought

We remember Gone with the Wind as a classic of movie cinema, and it IS. But with its equestrian thru-line, fondness for slavery, and questionable sexual ethics, you might see it different if this movie came out today.

So we at the Rotten Tomatoes Show present Gone with the Wind: Thru Modern Eyes.

No means I don't give a damn.


Monday, August 17, 2009

YouTube's Biggest Showoffs, VVFS

I always like to describe my videos as surging. Or at least with a word with the "URG" sound in it, and I'm growing tired of and creeped out by "turgid". This video on HAULS, or people showing off the crap they just bought, has baffled me more than anything else I've ever covered, and it is definitely surging on these UTubes.

Official Blurb: Brett explores the ridiculous trend of shopping "Haul" videos on YouTube.

Viral Video Film School is a recurring segment on the weekly television show infoMania. In each episode of VVFS, Professor Brett Erlich teaches you valuable skills in the discipline of Viral Video making. So sit down, take notes, and try not to piss him off. For more Brett visit and Current TV.

Next VIRAL VIDEO FILM SCHOOL is gonna be about Health Care. Then probably weird sexy fetishes. We're working hard on some good fresh nonsense.


Thursday, March 26, 2009


Thinking of buying a V-neck tee.


Thinking of buying a Touareg. Say it! Touareg.

Monday, February 9, 2009


I hate him.